Two Brand Spankin’ New Designs

Adam Hogan has been hard at work on a series of new geometric-based designs for the upcoming season. “Intro” is available on a grey triblend t-shirt for men and women…
Intro: Men’s T-Shirt
Intro: Women’s T-Shirt

"Intro" by Adam Hogan

“Intro” by Adam Hogan

In his unique style, Josh Audiss also brings a new design to the table. “Biomorphic” is available on a sage triblend for men and an earth burnout for women.
Biomorphic: Men’s T-Shirt
Biomorphic: Women’s T-Shirt

"Biomorphic" by Josh Audiss

“Biomorphic” by Josh Audiss

Modern Snake Oil

The term snake oil has come to describe a fraudulent product or idea in which the purveyor understands the deceptive nature of said goods. In talking with Adam Hogan about the meaning behind the new design, we mulled over the idea of contemporary “snake oils”. This doesn’t mean we were debating the efficacy of male enhancement drugs or whether or not I can shed 10 lbs. in 10 days. It was a broader discussion about how often we believe what we’re told.

When I was a kid, the television dial (literally a dial) at 5 p.m. was turned to the local news. My parents had a subscription to the Omaha World Herald. These were our windows to the world. In the Information Age, however, we no longer depend solely on giant media conglomerate outlets for a connection to the planet at large. Now we are able to shop around for information sources. Great! However, buyer beware, with more variety comes more junk.

The goal of this post isn’t to delve into personal politics but rather bring up the idea that there are certain ideas we find hard to swallow. I know two women that both deadpan told me they didn’t believe we actually landed on the moon. (This is definitely a subject for another time.) I personally think that Ben Affleck was hired by Marvel to destroy the Batman franchise. I know. Heavy stuff, right? It has made for some great debates down in the print shop.

In the meantime, enjoy the awesome new design. But seriously, this shirt will make you faster, stronger, and better looking.


Men’s Snake Oil T-Shirt

Women’s Snake Oil T-Shirt

Snake Oil - Multicolor on Men's Heather Ash and Women's Grey Triblend

Snake Oil – Multicolor on Men’s Heather Ash and Women’s Grey Triblend

Preview of “Snake Oil”

Adam Hogan puts his spin on an old fashioned cure-all in this week’s new design. The top selling original “snake oil” sold for medicinal purposes contained mineral oil, 1% fatty oil (presumed to be beef fat), red pepper, turpentine and camphor. Seems legit.

Snake Oil

Preview of “Snake Oil” by Adam Hogan

The Boxer

The latest Curbside shirt, “The Boxer“, brought to us by Dave Koenig, incorporates some interesting traditional tattoos with imagery from 1700’s/1800’s prizefighting.
Interesting fact: a variation of bare-knuckle boxing, the “Irish Stand Down” was an early version of the sport that involved literally standing toe-to-toe and trading punches. Another variation went as far as tying the two opponents to one another with a leather strap.
Tattoo factoid: The anchor, in traditional sailor tattoo iconography, represents stability. Words and images placed with the anchor are what sailors thought to be the most stable elements in their life. Often “Mom” was placed over the anchor instead of the heart.

Fisticuffs and tattoos brought to you by Dave Koenig at Curbside.

Fisticuffs and tattoos brought to you by Dave Koenig at Curbside.